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Creating Sacred Space – Fire Ceremony – Crystals – Chanting and Drumming – Medicine Wheel

Knowledge and Wisdom Teachings

Spiritual Teachings - Shamanic and Native American Traditions - Healing - Channeling - Dreaming -  Texts and scriptures - New Age Revelations - Human Design - Astrology - Cosmology












   Sandra 'Little White Wolf' Medicine Woman






Max Desorgher, co-founder:

"I have been on a knowledge quest my whole life. I am a healer, writer, teacher, counselor, artist, poet and world traveler. Since early childhood, I have been immersed in non-ordinary realities and had access to knowledge that took me way outside the normal frame of reference."

Cumberland Academy offers me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences with others who are participating in this 'great leap forward' in human consciousness, that many are calling 'the great awakening'.

Networking healers and spiritual seekers . . .


Power Animal

Your animal spirit

guide is a guardian

to you and is helping

you today. Its important

to work with animals both

physically & spiritually

because they are reaching out

and attempting to connect with you!


In order to hear these benevolent beings, you will need to listen with your heart & inner ear without judgement. Once you open up your mind, you will clearly hear their loving voices & messages.


You also have specific animals with you as guides, which may include a special pet. These "Power Animals" are like Angels who are very connected with the earth.

"All transitions and beginnings of a new era can only be successful when initiated by those conscious of a higher purpose." [Drs. J.J. & D. Hurtak, Academy For Future Science]





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